Extinction Rebellion Goes Critical 8 September

Location to be determined, likely somewhere Downtown.

See the International Solidarity Critical Mass Facebook event for more details.


Extinction Rebellion (XR) is an international climate action network that takes innovative protest to new levels.

If there is an active XR chapter in Houston, we at WNBR haven’t found it yet.

If there isn’t one, you’re welcome to help form it.

If you’re mad as hell that our elected so-called leaders have been dragging their feet on climate change for decades, you may already be an XR activist.


With the world on fire, what are you willing to do to express your disgust? How far are you willing to go?

You don’t have to glue yourself to the glass doors of an energy company’s skyscraper, as other XR activists have done…but you can. Just be sure to have solvent handy.

You don’t have to ride World Naked Bike Ride–style, “Bare As You Dare”—but if you’re willing to risk arrest, go for it.

What XR absolutely WON’T do is commit violence against people, animals, or individual property. Self-defense is OK; first-strike is NOT OK.


This non-partisan event is not a parade, and we will not be seeking a permit or police escort.

This is not some feel-good rally in an isolated park, with politicians preaching about recycling.

This is not specifically an anti-Trump rally. Trump is merely a symptom of a much larger problem.

This ride takes aim policy-makers from BOTH corporate political parties and their corporate sponsors in fossil fuels, finance, & the media.

This ride takes aim at anyone who favors incremental policy changes, or who insists that capitalism will save us.

We are not asking for immediate action; we are DEMANDING it. The time for asking nicely is over.