How We Do WNBR in H-Town

Here is some useful information about how we kick it H-Town-style:

Group photo at the start of the 2018 World Naked Bike Ride, Houston, at Super Happy Fun Land
Pre-ride photo of WNBR H-Town 2018

We advise getting there an hour or two before take-off to decorate yourself, your companions, and your ride.

Every ride takes a different route, totalling 12 to 15 US miles.

As of 2022, our rides now take place the second weekend in September. The Victory Lap that we had in previous years is no longer occurring. However, in 2023 we brought back Southern Hemisphere Solidarity DownUnderWear Rides in March.

We ride at night, usually starting around 8 pm, because the days in September are still too damn hot here. Also, it’s a little harder getting away with riding in nothing but body paint during daylight hours.

We build a few refreshment stops into the route at places where we can spread the WNBR Gospel. So it’s a protest and a pub crawl. (If the proprietors say cover up, we cover up.) There are also pauses to allow riders to catch up or perform necessary maintenance.

Sag Wagon
We always have a sag wagon in case bicycles or their riders break down. The sag wagon is usually a fossil-fuel-powered pickup, but if anyone has an electric vehicle you’re willing to volunteer, please do!

Undress Code
Sure, a lot of us will be wearing nothing more than shoes, helmets, and paint to illustrate the vulnerability of cyclists. If you can’t go Full Monty, undress to the limit of your comfort zone. We emphasize the Bare As You Dare guideline, because Houston has a municipal nudity ordinance and you never know when you’ll encounter a police officer eager to enforce it. A general rule: The more of us who ride naked, the less likely police can do anything about it.

Consent, Consent, Consent
NUDITY IS NOT CONSENT! Don’t make sexual overtures toward other riders, don’t make comments about their anatomy, and don’t photograph anyone without their verbally expressed permission. Just don’t. Keep this ride a safe space for self-expression. If a fellow rider is overtly making you uncomfortable in this way, inform one of the ride leaders; offenders will be asked to leave the ride.

Other Wheeled Conveyances
Roller skates and blades are welcome. E-bikes and scooters are welcome, but try to stick to pedal power as much as possible. Running the route without wheels is strongly discouraged.

Cooperation with Local Authorities
Unlike other cities’ WNBRs, we have not as yet reached out to city government to start the ride in a public park or request a police escort. That may change if circumstances require it.