Toronto and Madison Announce ’24 Rides

Graphic for Madison Wisconsin's World Naked Bike Ride group, featuring Michelangelo's "David" wearing a bicycle helmet, his bike, and the Madison capitol dome.
Banner graphic from Madison Wisconsin’s WNBR group, featuring a helmeted Michelangelo’s David and the dome of Madison’s four-winged state capitol building.

The WNBR organizers in Toronto, Ontario, and Madison, Wisconsin, have scheduled their 2024 rides there for 8 and 15 June, respectively. The Toronto ride starts at 1 pm on the 8th, with gathering and preparations beginning at noon. Madison’s riders start gathering at 9 am and ride at 11.

Other than San Francisco, these are the first ride dates to be announced in North America for 2024. The standard date is on the second Saturday in June, but practical considerations (including global heating) have spread North America’s season all the way into October.

Those interested in participating in the Madison ride should view and digest this FAQ document (PDF), featuring an invitation to join Madison WNBR’s group on

SF WNBR(s) 2024—Updated

Poster of San Francisco World Naked Bike Rides for 2024, with Michelangelo's "David" statue next to a fat-tire bicycle.
WNBR SF announces its five official rides for 2024; the September date should be the 21st, not the 28th.

World Naked Bike Ride in San Francisco, California, is now more of a subscription series than a single event. The organizers at WNBR-SF have scheduled five official rides for the 2024 extended season.

Big rides such as London, Melbourne, and Cape Town have already selected their 2024 dates: London on 8 June, Melbourne and Cape Town around the usual Southern Hemisphere dates in March. Sydney’s ride happens on 21 January (?). But so far nobody has announced a quinella of naked rides like San Francisco.

Because of the environmental activist angle that WNBR takes, we cannot recommend traveling a great distance just to participate in any of these rides, or the concurrent events such as the Bay to Breakers run. If an event is on your bucket list and does require travel from outside the Bay Area, we recommend the most fuel-efficient conveyance possible: Amtrak. Take your bike onto the train—in the designated baggage car with a bike rack for bicycles up to 50 pounds—and go!

Also, if you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair. (Yeah, it’s a cheap joke. But you’re gonna meet some gentle people there.)

All these rides are Saturday events. See the San Francisco WNBR Wiki for times and places. (See also the UPDATE below.)

  1. 10 February, coinciding with the Winter Love Parade. The Love Parade is the SFO-OAK area’s adaptation of a big clothing-optional hippie-type event in Berlin that (to the best of our knowledge) no longer happens due to a tragic death at one event.
  2. 20 April, for Earth Day, because, in case anyone has forgotten, WNBR is a protest against climate chaos and deadly polllution caused by extraction and consumption of fossil fuels.
  3. 18 May, the Bay to Breakers weekend (or, as the Nude community calls it, Bare to Breakers).
  4. 8 June, the main ride, during the original standard second weekend in June.
  5. 28 September, for Autumn Equinox (a bit belatedly) and the Folsom Street Fair. Communications from SF-WNBR originally said it was on the 21st, but now Folsom has a firm date the following weekend.

According to the wiki page, WNBRers in Greater SFO will also participate in the annual New Year’s Day Polar Bear Plunge, Monday 1 January at 11 am, Great Highway and Taraval Crossing. (IYKYK, we can only suppose.) UPDATE: However, an organizer in San Francisco assures me that this event is not part of the official SF-WNBR schedule, but one posted by a usurper who happens to have the credentials for the wiki.