Why You Should Dare to Bare

Here in Houston, where we have hosted one or more WNBR’s every year since 2011, it must be said that we have a history of riders participating in the World Naked Bike Ride in a state of nowhere-near-nudity. This is odd, given that the climate here is too hot for clothing most of the year, but understandable: The fear of arrest for violating the city’s public nudity ordinance is legitimate, even though we’ve (fortunately) never had an arrest, and only one rider has ever received a citation (caught nude by police in front of Super Happy Fun Land before the ride even began).

Pressuring individual riders to undress, or even suggesting it, is a violation of the Principles of Consent under which we operate. Even though we recognize that nude cycling is not a sexual activity, there are usually sexual motivations behind asking participants to strip off and continuing to do so after being told no.

The dress code for the ride remains Bare As You Dare; if that means you’re down to your undies, that’s wonderful. Those who keep their outerwear on during a World Naked Bike Ride are really missing the point though.

To get more people to push the Bare As You Dare envelope, a better strategy is to provide information to “sell” them on it. Here, then, are some talking points for riders who need convincing, to be presented to the general crowd rather than any individual.

The Existential Threat of Climate Disruption

This ride is a public demonstration against policies and practices that result in accelerating climate change, which is causing more extreme and deadlier weather events. In the face of that, the concern that people might see your personal bits is rather small.

If You Are Still Worried about Someone Seeing Your Nude Body…

Maybe someone saw you, or photographed you and put your naked image on the Internet for all including your boss and your mom to see, but no one has to know for certain that it’s you. You can easily mask your identity with face and body paint, a wig, a bicycle helmet, and (especially on a daytime ride) sunglasses.

The Law

As mentioned above, riding nude carries an element of legal risk in a place like Houston, Texas. The public nudity ordinance makes no exception for protests protected by the First Amendment. However, in 13 years and more than 20 rides we have had no arrests (though once a rider got separated from the pack and came close to getting taken downtown), and only one citation, which was overcome in court. Individuals are vulnerable, like the young gazelles in the back of the herd who have trouble keeping up. A tight, organized pack of nude riders is far less susceptible to interference by The Law.

The more people ride bare or nearly bare, the less likely any law enforcement officer is to make trouble. At most the LEO will say, “Dude, put some clothes on.” If instructed by someone with a badge to cover up, one should cover up, and wait until it is safe to uncover again.

Lastly on this topic, the statute in Texas (Section 21.08) regarding public nudity/indecent exposure is laughably vague. Prosecutors must prove the “intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person, and [recklessness] about whether another is present who will be offended or alarmed by his act.” Again, there is no exception carved out for protest activities, but if the matter comes before a judge, that judge may be convinced that freedom of expression trumps a vaguely written law.

Nude Is Not Lewd

As long as you’re not visibly attempting to pleasure yourself in public, nor thrusting your parts in someone’s face, then you are engaging in non-sexual nudity. People, especially in the US, need to learn that nudity is not sex, and that nudity isn’t even a requirement for sex. At least in places like Seattle and Portland OR, society in general takes a more European attitude toward non-sexual public nudity.

OMG Think of the Children!

OMG, come on. Being nude and seeing nude bodies of various sizes and types are both psychologically beneficial—yes, even for children. Inheriting parental neuroses about seeing people’s floppy bits is not healthy. This article discusses that very topic in depth, although you have to read pretty deeply into it to see the psychological research findings pointing toward those benefits.

If anyone objects noisily to your naked presence (which has happened a few times on our rides), it’s not worth engaging such people in a debate. You could make a succinct case for the mental and emotional benefits of getting naked, but the objector probably wouldn’t buy your argument. Just tell them you’re engaging in a protest activity protected by the First Amendment, and you’re not harming anyone.

Again, shouldn’t we be more offended by anthropogenic climate disruption and cyclists getting killed by reckless drivers than by the site of someone’s pubic region?

Ah, the Sheer Exhilaration

There is no exhilaration quite like that derived from cycling through the city in the buff and getting away with it. This is particularly true when riding through entertainment districts at night, as the Houston and Austin rides generally do. Night owls on the street make excellent cheering sections for a naked ride.

Anything We Missed?

If you have additional selling points that you’d like to share, please feel free to put them in the Comments section. These points should not include verbiage like People should get nekkid cuz I like to see boobs/dicks LOL!!! Certainly, everyone can benefit from seeing more people in their natural state, but it’s about the whole person, not just the parts.

One thought on “Why You Should Dare to Bare”

  1. Well, You do have a backhanded way of stating that “🇺🇸#USgovt Courts NEVER prosecute anybody historically or even today for #Naturism #Nudism #SocialPublicNudism or #WNBRist activities/fun” & fail to state, as I know from personal experience of 20 plus frivolous arrests, that such RARE rogue police **BULLYING** rarely meets Judicial Standards for Indictments & thus there are happily NO FINES or other penalties for #SocialPublicNudism in 🇺🇸The United States of America ( even if fines were issued, they do not amount to more than a **Parking Ticket” & I know few folks afraid of risking getting a parking ticket when the need for an urgent parking space is more important than the $30 ticket ).

    We **SUCCESSFULLY OVERCAME** ( on second upload ) an ignorant frivolous dimwitted hypocritical random youtube.com tyrant “content removal” when We SIMPLY added the following statement to Our latest #WNBRsf2024 youtube Video Upload ( “2nd Try is a charm!” ) which makes the Sufficient interweb content & Judicial case for #SocialPublicNudism in 🇺🇸The United States of America. :

    * EDSA [ “educational documentary scientific artistic” ] content : This video clip does not violate any y.t. “community” guidelines & above all is EDUCATIONAL in its depiction, per the merchant’s own standards & local & federal govt & protections of Our INALIENABLE HUMAN LIBERTY & codified #1stAmendment Rights to be #ClothesFree which are UNIVERSALLY DEFENDED by #USgovt Courts/Judges/DAs ( indeed this occasion violated NO local codes or laws & generated NO local @SFPDChief @SheriffSF @SFPD law enforcement complaints or response ) since it is part of a well regarded & Historic form of Bicycle & Road Safety Advocacy across the 🇺🇸Nation🇺🇸 & Around the World; & since it is “Educational” & “Scientific” to view the Human Anatomy & wrt “History” — since in nearly every sector of Earth, Ancient or “Primitive” ( & even Modern Religious Hindu/Jain Monks in the most populous Nation on Earth: India ) Humans Normally, at least briefly, incorporated ( it should go without saying — Innocent & Healthy & Prideful & Celebrated ) Nudist & Naturist activities into the Fabric of Healthy Society ( from Hindu/Jain Monks to countless ancient Native American & African Tribes, to Greek Olympians & Romans, modern Scandinavians, Europeans, et al ); The Human Nude is universally considered to be an Object & Subject of High & Fine “Art” Study; & #USgovt Courts, as a Foundational Principle Protect “Self” & “Religious” Expressions; & since even many Jewish/Christian prophets & heroes & kings are Biblically “Documented” to have practiced Naturism/Nudism ( Isaiah, Micah, Saul, David*** ); & Michelangelo, among other Artists, famously “Artistically” & “Historically” “Documented” in Stone both The Nude “David” & The Nude “Risen Christ” under His “Religious” Church Commissions. For these Reasons & others, this video qualifies as EDSA content & since its simple Viewing cannot be in any Judicial Court or by any stretch of the imagination be qualified as resulting in “harm” or speciously conflated with “violence.”

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