NOLA Did It!

dbc sez: I’m part envy, part admiration. Some brave New Orleanians did their WNBR thing this past Saturday (13 June) as planned. And they got their photos up on Facebook, nipples and all, while I got slapped with another 30-day ban for posting a link to this site (with a thumbnail of our female-nipple-free cover photo).

Well done, WNBR NOLA! And FU FB!

About a dozen people pose with their bicycles for a group photo prior to the New Orleans World Naked Bike Ride.
One of several “exposure groups” in New Orleans who undertook their own mini-WNBRs, 13 June 2020. Photo posted by Meredith Hammock on the WNBR NOLA Facebook group.

As reported previously, NOLA’s WNBR contingent decided to ride in small groups instead of a mass gathering. The lack of police escort made many riders more cautious about their choice of wardrobe than they might otherwise have been, in addition to some caution regarding COVID-19 infection. Riding in nothing but shoes, helmet, and face mask was definitely this year’s fashion statement, as it likely will be in Portland OR on 27 June.